Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Auction of Surplus Town Land

On Monday, January 4th, the Board of Selectmen voted to authorize the Town Manager to sell the following pieces of land that were originally acquired by the Town by foreclosure of tax titles:

138 Andover Street
71 Elm Street
0 Woburn Street
98 Andover Street
20 Iron Gate Drive
2 Pepperidge Circle
1 Shaw Drive

The total appraised value of all 7 lots is $250,000. Any income generated from the sale of the lots would go to the town. In addition, the properties sold would go back on the tax rolls.

Notice of the auction date will be made in the Andover Townsman.


  1. To what account would the funds go?

  2. The funds generated from the auction of surplus Town land would go into the General Fund.
